Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Expert system vs Neural Network

An expert system is one that consists of five technical components. Firstly a user interface that the user will interact with. Second there exists a working memory that contains known facts regarding the domain of knowledge that the system is meant to provide assistance with. Thirdly there is the Knowledge base that brings in the expertise of specific professionals in getting the job done; it can analyze the working memory and edit it in order to provide a more succinct answer.  Fourthly there is a inference engine that brings in the programming expertise to provide an answer that the computer is actually looking for. The inference engine uses all of the working memory and knowledge base to fulfill antecedents of an argument until they have each been filled and the solution can be "fired" or output, generally the inference engine will consist of high level if-then statements to fulfill it's goal. And finally there is the Explanation engine that provides the complete reasoning to the user of why an answer was given.

In business an expert system provides knowledge and reasoning to employees as a learning tool and utility. They fulfill domain specific roles that bring in expertise that can usually be too costly when it comes to travel requirements. Sharing that system with others provides a learning tool and a great asset to a company. One example would be in many current healthcare facilities there exists software that monitors patients medications and determines if they will likely have bad reactions.

An expert system applied in business requires less expertise from the end user but will take longer to arrive at a conclusion.Expert systems provide a great resource to the user for simultaneous events in a situation where rules do not have to overlap. Because they provide their reasoning, this understanding can be passed to the end user, so are used in business applications in cases of business acquisitions, large loans, and the like. However, because they lack common sense, the full power of human knowledge is still not encapsulated within this system. There is also the challenge that experts are resistant to providing their full expertise as to avoid devaluing themselves as employees.

In a neural network it models the human brain by utilizing a mathematical model of individual neurons in the brain. Each neuron works similarly to that in the human neural network. In a human brain a neuron has many inputs and provides a singular output. It is connected to a plethora of other neurons with synapse that vary the input to the neuron. In an artificial neural network or ANN they use a mathematical model developed in the forties to pride a binary output of 1 or -1. When a certain threshold is met the neuron is fired with the release of the 1. These systems are developed much differently than an expert system because they don't use any knowledge base. Instead they are given a learning algorithm and a perception structure that begins with many input neurons a layer of switch neurons and finally the output neurons.

When it comes to their application within knowledge management, a neural network helps streamline a process into a more and more efficient use of resources and helps even more quick access to knowledge contained within the system. Advantages to an ANN in knowledge management are very dramatic after a training period. This type of system has a high tolerance for "bad" or inaccurate data. It starts all over with every new application. It must also be retrained for each problem that must undergo analysis. A system like this requires a higher expertise from the user, but is processed much quicker. Specific applications include financial forecasting, investment, and risk management. 

These applications of artificial intelligence are real in today's society. In the future when the feeling of experience and emotion can be attributed to a computer in a safe atmosphere then, and probably only then will Siri be a much more compelling purchase. As of now, though she has some uses, she is still quite limited because she is an obvious emulation, that still can come off quite cold. There is a movie that comes to mind however, the 2009 Moon is about the mining of a rare element abundant on the moon for power generation. The main character lives alone the entire time, except when he is in an accident on the moon. All of the sudden a new him appears at the base station. He is overlooked by a computer AI, voiced by Kevin Spacey. Then the new main character goes to try and find the missing vehicle is earlier counterpart embarked in. When he finds it he sees he is a perfect clone of the man. The company has been using clones to mine the moon. But what is interesting is that the data provided to the character to find him is given by the AI. It is at this point the AI reveals that he cares about each clone, and that he has a genuine emotion for the "people" under his care. A Skynet like AI is the counterpoint to this, but in the future let us hope that if there is an AI it can be endeared with the same appreciation for non artificial life that this one had.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Hello ANN.

Predictive Analysis Pro:
An Artificial Neural Network or ANN is a statistical computing model inspired by biological neural networks.  It is controlled by nodes in it's network that's affect on the analysis can very based on the hidden neuron input. Similar to the sensory organs affect on our brains processing. These systems consist of a learning algorithm and can take advantage of parallel and sequential processing. The strength of  system like this is in prediction of patterns in systems using not a specific input algorithm but rather, using historical data on the subject.

In biological systems the discovery of the neuron was worth a 1906 Nobel Prize. Uniquely it had many inputs and connections and only one output. This works simply by adding the signals of other neurons together until a threshold is reached and the neuron reaches an excited (firing) state. The synapses that join each neuron can attenuate that input signal. In the early 40's this was modeled mathematically as an artificial neuron. These were made to produce a binary output. The power of a neuron is found in an interconnected group. The network itself has the capacity to evolve. It becomes capable of far more than the sum of it's parts. A network can work to a state where there are no further changes. It may have more than one stable state, somehow determined by synaptic weights and thresholds for each neuron.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Emotion Machine

Artificial Intelligence is a work in progress:
Arguably one of the most challenging intellectual endeavors before mankind is that of decoding our thoughts and memories and how they integrate into an experience that makes us so effective at survival and transform us into a thriving population that has spread to every corner of this Earth. These individual experience make us each different but allow us to excel in different ways. I have been raised to appreciate computing and know that is where my future lies. In the same fashion, the hope is, should a system be conceived to manage the resources of a community it would be endeared to that community of it's creation, and value it uniquely. As of yet, these emotional responses that grant the drive to do the impossible, the will to overcome any problem, is unique to our genome. Transcribing this into a artificial creation and having it last beyond it's creator to spread good, would be a crowing achievement.

Expert Systems

Describing an expert system:
Expert systems are transcribed human expertise into if-then rules. These rules are configured to better serve a novice who may not have the capabilities to have contact with a professional due to physical proximity or any limiting factor. It means that someone who has basic knowledge of the computer to simply input certain variables that the system requires can be provided an output of information that has an illustrated record of success in practice. Below is the father of the expert system Edward Feigenbaum. He talks about several systems he has helped to develop that provide assistance to professionals in the healthcare industry.

The parts of an expert system (technical components):
An expert system consists of 5 components:

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

IT's Flat Now:

I hope you're ready to compete, cause it's time to kick it up a notch.

  A few hundred years ago, the world was certainly flat. Continue on in one direction and you never came back to the same point. Today a situated person doesn't even have to move and finds himself at all points on earth. The massive network of information and commerce that is the internet has transformed the world so utterly, that we are very unsure of the implications. One thing has been evident and clear; The world is flat.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Knowledge Management Diversity in Business

Don't Be Afraid Of Sharing:

     A company's existence hinges on the effectiveness it has in taking in profit, building up a competitive advantage, and making a product that lives up to scrutiny and competition. Information systems kick start your capability for a competitive advantage. I need to talk about three companies that provide services and product that stand out as living up to not only that standard but lead each respective industry by way of their distinct differences. 

     What these businesses understand is the advantage you gain by increasing the ease an employee can access information within their system, which results in customers gaining this information. By providing services to other businesses, as these companies do, it multiplies their profit potential individually and further on to their customer. What they have in common is a sophisticated information network and culture of sharing knowledge and experience and passing it to their customer in a relevant way. They also are early adopters of the type of information technology that expands the capability of a business by sharing information.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Geisinger and Information Technologies:

Advancing Information Access for everyone.

Geisinger has a vast array of health care providing facilities throughout the northern region of Pennsylvania. I have several siblings, and other relations that interact with them as a basis of employment, but mostly rely on their systems for their healthcare needs. Geisinger does provide all needs as well from a tooth pulled out to a baby pulled out, they do it all.

How Increasing Returns Work For You:

Increasing Returns and the Network Effect.
O NO, who you gonna call? BSOD Busters!

Understanding the law of cause and effect is basis of rational thinking and the presupposition to additionally reasoned laws. Because i see the need of a computer repair specialist in my town i have now opened a business. The cause was the need for a computer repair then the effect, was my new venture BSOD Busters!. Once risen to the challenge i find myself quickly overwhelmed by the amount of work presented to me. Just as noted, I am a small business, i rely solely on myself for being on the phone for ordering parts, keeping up with accounting and many other tasks.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

IT and Competitive Advantage

What exactly a competitive advantage is.
Having the competitive advantage answers the question; What are you best at? Making that skill IT provides varying level of returns based on your business. The closer your business is to being integrated into a computerized structure the higher the returns for investing in IT.

Companies such as Amazon, Google, Go Daddy, and online content providers benefit the most from investing in their information tech because their product is facilitated by their technological infrastructure. For example, while amazon is a dominating leader in the online world as a market place of products, they have gained the competitive advantage by investing in their domain hosting, and server facilitation business. By investing into costly SSD enabled servers they have achieved the noticeable advantage of being able to find your query of either a listing of a product or searching your database they may host much faster with better Information technology. Their business model is built around playing to this competitive advantage and it is no wonder how they are able to expand their business to a town like Murfreesboro. This has proven to be extremely beneficial for bringing jobs to our community despite many investments in IT focused on outsourcing call centers and other likely cost cutting measures.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Knowledge vs Traditional Economies:

  Innovative Infrastructure;
  Nomads desired stability and discovered agriculture and domestication. Farmers wanted more production, found the cotton gin, and saw the advances of automated industry.The industries wanted growth and found global competition on the internet . And here we have arrived at the advance of a knowledge economy. A competition of innovation.

In the traditional economy, we have products that may degrade over a discrete time period, can be costly to resupply to the market place, take up physical space and inventory, prices are limited by production costs, and when sold passes ownership completely. The traditional economy has strengths in goods that we will always need, and there will always be a market for. Currently the price of corn in the US is staggeringly profitable for farmers, and is a product we each use almost everyday even if we don't know it. To bring this good to the market though, takes months of vegetative growth in costly fields requiring watering, and very particular weather conditions. When the corn is brought to sale, those kernels are washed from the farmers hands, he won't see them again, and isn't expected to have anything else to do with them. The traditional economy favors hard manual working.