Friday, September 21, 2012

Geisinger and Information Technologies:

Advancing Information Access for everyone.

Geisinger has a vast array of health care providing facilities throughout the northern region of Pennsylvania. I have several siblings, and other relations that interact with them as a basis of employment, but mostly rely on their systems for their healthcare needs. Geisinger does provide all needs as well from a tooth pulled out to a baby pulled out, they do it all.

How Increasing Returns Work For You:

Increasing Returns and the Network Effect.
O NO, who you gonna call? BSOD Busters!

Understanding the law of cause and effect is basis of rational thinking and the presupposition to additionally reasoned laws. Because i see the need of a computer repair specialist in my town i have now opened a business. The cause was the need for a computer repair then the effect, was my new venture BSOD Busters!. Once risen to the challenge i find myself quickly overwhelmed by the amount of work presented to me. Just as noted, I am a small business, i rely solely on myself for being on the phone for ordering parts, keeping up with accounting and many other tasks.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

IT and Competitive Advantage

What exactly a competitive advantage is.
Having the competitive advantage answers the question; What are you best at? Making that skill IT provides varying level of returns based on your business. The closer your business is to being integrated into a computerized structure the higher the returns for investing in IT.

Companies such as Amazon, Google, Go Daddy, and online content providers benefit the most from investing in their information tech because their product is facilitated by their technological infrastructure. For example, while amazon is a dominating leader in the online world as a market place of products, they have gained the competitive advantage by investing in their domain hosting, and server facilitation business. By investing into costly SSD enabled servers they have achieved the noticeable advantage of being able to find your query of either a listing of a product or searching your database they may host much faster with better Information technology. Their business model is built around playing to this competitive advantage and it is no wonder how they are able to expand their business to a town like Murfreesboro. This has proven to be extremely beneficial for bringing jobs to our community despite many investments in IT focused on outsourcing call centers and other likely cost cutting measures.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Knowledge vs Traditional Economies:

  Innovative Infrastructure;
  Nomads desired stability and discovered agriculture and domestication. Farmers wanted more production, found the cotton gin, and saw the advances of automated industry.The industries wanted growth and found global competition on the internet . And here we have arrived at the advance of a knowledge economy. A competition of innovation.

In the traditional economy, we have products that may degrade over a discrete time period, can be costly to resupply to the market place, take up physical space and inventory, prices are limited by production costs, and when sold passes ownership completely. The traditional economy has strengths in goods that we will always need, and there will always be a market for. Currently the price of corn in the US is staggeringly profitable for farmers, and is a product we each use almost everyday even if we don't know it. To bring this good to the market though, takes months of vegetative growth in costly fields requiring watering, and very particular weather conditions. When the corn is brought to sale, those kernels are washed from the farmers hands, he won't see them again, and isn't expected to have anything else to do with them. The traditional economy favors hard manual working.